When to contact your issuer
Robert Tyler avatar
Written by Robert Tyler
Updated over a week ago

There are going to be times when unfortunately we won't be able to help you and you'll need to contact your credential issuer directly.

Changes to your credential data

Under GDPR regulations, we are classified as a "Data Processor". This means that whilst we are allowed to process your data related to you and your digital credential, we wont be able to make any changes to it or delete it completely. If you would like make changes, you'll need to get in touch with your issuer.

Missing digital credential

If you haven't received your digital credential by email, the best thing to contact your issuer. They will be able to resend your digital credential to you.

Information about other courses offered by your issuer

You will need to speak to the issuer directly if you are interested in completing other courses that they offer.

Wrong digital credential

If you have been issued the wrong digital credential, please contact your issuer directly and they should be able to rectify this for you.

How to contact your issuer

On your credential page, there is an option to contact issuer.

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