Expiry dates for credentials can be set in a number of ways depending on your requirements.
Setting a generic expiry when the credential is created
During the credential creation process, after you've added your badge and/or certificate designs, you'll get to the second stage of the process called "General settings".
Scroll down until you find the section for Expiry Date
Here you can select a date that, when reached, will automatically expire all of the credentials issued to recipients. Unless subsequently set elsewhere (to be explained below), this expiry date will remain in place every time this credential is issued.
Setting an expiry date at the issue stage
A credential can be issued multiple times. If the expiry date has been set at the credential creation phase, then this is the date that each subsequent issue of that credential will use. If you want to update the expiration date every time you issue the credential, then the expiry date can be set on the Issue Credential page.
Step 1 - Click on Credentials in the left hand navigation
Step 2 - Select the Credential to be issued
Step 3 - Update the Expiration date in the box marked in the screengrab below
Setting individual expiry dates per recipient
Sometimes you might need to define different expiry date for each recipient. To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Click on Credentials in the left hand navigation
Step 2 - Select the Credential to be issued
Step 3 - Add your recipients to be issued the credential
Step 4 - You'll see a list of recipients you've added ready to be issued the credential. Click on the edit button to the right of the recipient name
Step 5 - Update the expiration date in the box shown and click "Close"